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3 Ways to Beat the Holiday Overwhelm

3 Ways to Beat the Holiday Overwhelm

Ramona & Ruth Wrapping Paper Gifts

When November rolls around each year, there’s an inevitable excitement filling the air, but we’d be lying if there wasn’t an underlying overwhelm that sets in around this time as well. With family gatherings and holiday parties and trying to find time to shop for (actually good, thoughtful!) gifts, the panic can set in fast. It feels impossible to do it all AND take time to also slow down and enjoy the season. Our goal today is to leave you with tangible ways to kick the overwhelm and panic to the curb so that you can enjoy this fun time of year. Read on for our tips!


  1. Keep your gift buying list in one, organized spot.

    It’s so easy to lose track of who you’ve bought things for, if you’ve wrapped it yet, what you bought (we’ve all forgotten what’s inside a wrapped box at least once 😂), and how many more gifts you still have to get. The good news? We have a FREE Gift Holiday Gift List Printable for you to use this season to stay on top of your gift giving before it gets crazy. Download it here and stop the gift confusion once and for all! Psst…it’s also pretty dang cute and will bring on the holiday cheer, if we do say so ourselves. ;)

  2. Have cards (and gift cards!) on hand NOW, for the surprise holiday party or December birthday.

    No one’s top gift giving idea is a gift card, but this is where the saying “it’s the thought that counts” is really true. With the November/December craziness, there will definitely be a holiday party, special occasion, or birthday you forget about. Instead of beating yourself up and struggling to come up with a last-minute, not-so-great gift idea, stock up on cards (blank inside, so you can personalize & they’ll work for anything!) and a few fun gift cards now so that you’re still able to be intentional, even when you’re caught off guard. Shop our holiday card bundles now to have thoughtful, unique cards in your back pocket for when the time comes - such a good deal too! These bundles contain either discontinued or slightly dinged cards that are still perfectly fine to send!

  3. Set aside at least one day in November and in December to spend doing something that makes you happy.

    This one is listed last but is arguably the most important. Block off time in your calendar now to slow down and do the things that bring you joy throughout the hectic time of year. We encourage you not to get so caught up in the festivities and planning and prepping that you forget to do anything that fills your own cup first. It could be as simple as a plan-free Sunday full of cozy relaxation to remind yourself of the entire point of the holiday season in the first place. However, we know on a personal level that sometimes once you set aside the time, it can still be tricky to think of how exactly you’d like to spend that time.

    Here a few of our favorite ways to slow down this season:
    -Christmas movie marathon (hot cocoa and cozy pj’s required)
    -Start a new project - one that isn’t necessarily “productive”
    -Try out knitting or begin a Christmas-themed puzzle
    -Start something that requires you to be present and off your screens
    -Quiet morning time outdoors
    -Coffee date at a new place with a friend or family member, just because
    -Gratitude journaling
    -Bake something new while enjoying calm music (we love this Spotify playlist specifically for this vibe😍)

    You’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed. This time of year can be hectic and we can all find ourselves being swept away with the holiday cheer. We hope this helps you push back against the hustle and enjoy this wonderful time of the year. We truly believe you’ll never regret slowing down and savoring the season!


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